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Shibli Faraz Urges the Media to Play a Constructive Role

Shibli Faraz Urges the Media to Play a Constructive Role in Improving the Country

Shibli Faraz, special assistant to the Prime Minister for Information and Broadcasting, said during an interview with a private television station that...
Sister Ruth Lewis

Sister Ruth , Director of Dar-ul-Sukoon Lost The Fight Against The Covid-19 Virus

دارالسکون کی ڈائریکٹر ، سسٹر روتھ کورونا وائرس کے خلاف جنگ میں ہار گئیں جسمانی اور ذہنی...
Pakistani Peacekeeper in Congo

UN Appreciates Pakistani Peacekeepers Services in Congo

Aid services appreciated by the United Nations for Pakistani peacekeepers in the Congo. Pakistani peacekeepers have saved hundreds of...
FAFEN Survey

FAFEN Survey: 26% Women Terminated During Coronavirus Lockdown

The non-profit and non-governmental organization Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) conducted a survey and found that at least 26% of the...
If provoked, Pakistan will respond with all its might: Army Chief

If provoked, Pakistan will respond with all its might: Army Chief

اگر اشتعال ہوا تو پاکستان ہماری پوری طاقت کا جواب دے گا: آرمی چیف چیف آف آرمی...
Rawalpindi Board

BISE Rawalpindi SSC Part II Result 2021

Rawalpindi, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Rawalpindi has made all necessary arrangements for the announcement of their Rawalpindi Board 10th class...
Federal Minister of IT issues new guidelines for working at the IT park in Islamabad

Federal Minister of IT issues new guidelines for working at the IT park in...

Federal IT and telecommunications minister Syed Amin Ul Haq chaired a meeting on the IT Park Islamabad project. During...
Opposition seeks no relief from the government: Shehbaz Sharif

Opposition seeks no relief from the government: Shehbaz Sharif

حزب اختلاف حکومت سے کوئی ریلیف نہیں مانگ رہے ، شہباز شریف حزب اختلاف کی جماعتوں میں...
The inclusion of former-FATA in the democratic process meant a prosperous Pakistan: Shibli Faraz

The inclusion of former-FATA in the democratic process meant a prosperous Pakistan: Shibli Faraz

جمہوری عمل میں سابق فاٹا کو شامل کرنا خوشحال پاکستان کی علامت ہے: شبلی فراز وفاقی وزیر...
'Tiger Force Day' to be celebrated immediately after Eid: PM

‘Tiger Force Day’ to be celebrated immediately after Eid: PM

ٹائیگر فورس ڈےعید کے فورا بعد منایا جائے گا: وزیر اعظم وزیر اعظم کے معاون خصوصی (ایس اے...

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